Saturday, November 20, 2021

The New Roaring Twenties

The Time Is Now To Start Your Own Roaring Twenties  

The Once in 100 Year Opportunity--The New Roaring Twenties
Rapid industrial and economic growth, accelerated consumer demand,
and significant new trends in lifestyle and culture.

by Kevin Baker

It is not just the changing of how we work for companies that has changed during Covid.  It is not just about Zoom creating the work from home movement.  It's not about the Great Resignation.  The current massive quit taking place globally is an incredible event which will likely go down in history as a major turning point as big as the beginning of the industrial age, the 1970s freedom movements, or the information age.   

The unintended consequence of government policy worldwide is a reversal of the economic relationship between those who own assets and balance sheets, and those who are a labor expense line on their profit and loss statements.  

The current problem some businesses are having getting workers to replace those quitting their jobs did not happen overnight.  After many years of a low growth rate of wages compared to the growth rate of productivity and corporate profits, millions of lower paid workers are simply not returning to low paying businesses.   

During Covid, low wage workers reconsidered their careers.  As people making low wages were put out of work by government policy, or decided the risk of facing the virus was not worth their low pay, people began quitting work.  While forced to not work by government Covid lockdowns and stay at home, people re-discovered their love of family, hearth, and home.  They realised work-life balance is a myth.  Being locked up in homes against their will caused them to invest in their homes, home-based business, and mothers who want to homeschool.  

In the post war period, government social engineering fuelled the idea that women were not being treated equally and should go to work.  Double incomes produce double taxes for government coffers.  Women left their children with daycares and government run schools to pursue careers.  Covid lockdowns caused a great awakening.  Mothers love their children, they love mothering, and they have had enough with fuelling government tax coffers at the expense of family. 

Holy Family with an Angry Baby
Brian Kershisnik Art

The Data 

Barry Ritholtz shared these St. Louis Fed charts in his blog (which is one of my favourites):

The first chart shows those at the lower end of the income scale will no longer work for low wages.  The second chart shows that white collar, professional and business service jobs, are not quitting.  Companies with a business model requiring low wage workers are having a very hard time finding workers.  This is permanent, not temporary.  When governments around the world decided to pick winners and losers, the unintended consequences of putting health over the economy created an 18-month mega shift they cannot control.  

As an American living and working overseas in Sydney, I have watched the Covid situation unfold in both America and Australia.  Living through some of the most restrictive lockdowns in the world here, I watched government decide that some businesses and workers were essential, and others were not.  I watched businesses built on savings, hard work, and investing all an entrepreneur had destroyed by short sighted government class elites.  I watched people put out of work supported by small government support payments reinvent themselves.  Teachers, pilots, managers, business owners, workers of all kinds, were put out of work losing everything while government agencies cut no one.  These people decided they would not go back to the way work was before Covid.  

The Re-Opening: A New Era Begins

People have decided enough is enough.  While some protest in the streets, others have decided to no longer be in the lower class.  While governments played with their lives, those suffering decided to upskill, get certified, pursue degrees, find new fields to work in, launch new apps, and decide to build their own businesses.  They shrugged at government, and kissed work as it was goodbye.    

I did quite a bit of reading about the 1918 flu pandemic.  As the world cautiously emerged from The Spanish flu, a worse pandemic than Covid, The Roaring Twenties followed.  New technologies such as radio and indoor lighting emerged.  A new post WWI pandemic world emerged.    

During the four-month lockdown in Sydney, I began sharing with people here that I saw an increasing likelihood that the government decisions were creating the conditions for a massive economic realignment.  Before Covid, talk of universal basic income and AI putting many people out of jobs was the futurist outlook.  What they missed was how converging forces present in the economy for decades would become an emergent black swan.  

In her comments on career plateauing, the late Judith Bardwick put it this way back in this 2013 interview with The Worcester Polytechnic Institute's Robert A. Foisie School of Business: 

After World War II, Bardwick said, career advancement seemed limitless, as American industry grew, the birthrate was still fairly low and “those who were committed to success, walked into the most expansionary period of corporate growth in history.  "Few people at the time had college degrees, until the federal GI Bill created an opportunity for many, especially men, to graduate from college. At the same time, “companies developed the desire to prevent unionization by employees,” Bardwick said, “and the idea developed that if you treated your employees marvelously well, they would make a commitment; productivity would increase and employee retention would be high.”

So companies gave employees a lifetime commitment and “employees formed the fundamental expectation that there is no limit to what you can become,” she said. “The American dream Bardwick was realized to an extent that could not now be duplicated.” Companies became multi-layered and bureaucratic, creating many more management positions than were needed, but also creating opportunities for promotion. Government programs also multiplied. As the baby boomer generation grew up and the economy hit several recessions, many more employees were competing for fewer high-level jobs. Baby boomers plateaued before they expected, too, since there are only a small number of jobs at the top of corporations.

As economic conditions changed, companies downsized and outsourced. As a result, she said, “everyone has become a business of one. That’s why we must ask ourselves, ’What do I have to offer that someone would want to buy? What can I do that will get someone who pays me closer to their goal?’ ”

“It’s very different for the millennials, because the situation is the reverse of what it was after World War II,” she said. “In reality, this group is facing a lack of opportunity.” In spite of talk about the improving economy, employment conditions remain recession-like, she said, adding that economic societal changes, government policy and personal attitudes share the blame for poor employment conditions. Around the world in developed economies, significant growth is very scarce and the opportunity for greater success has declined. Many young people feel cheated of the opportunity they expected to have.

Where government and business failed to correct imbalance for decades, the unintended consequences of government health policy during the Covid era has opened the door to a new Roaring Twenties.  The GDPs of economies are growing at rates not seen in decades.  Consumer demand is outstripping the capability of supply chains disrupted by labor shortages and Covid regulations.  Lifestyle and culture around the globe is rapidly moving away from what existed pre-Covid to a new, better society where families, children, and meaningful work has voted with their feet and quit work and society as it was.  

Government planners, economists, academics, and business did not see this coming.  Black swans, native to where I live in Australia, are beautiful to see.  Of course, looking back, we can see how what I call the Great Reversal happened.   After WWII, the social contract called The American Dream exchanged a job for life that could buy a house and college for the children, for a commitment to a company. Over time, the contract was broken.  Lack of opportunity, low paying Walmart-style jobs, the gig economy, and children with high college debt ruining their lives has finally been disrupted.  

We are about to see a new future of leadership in the world.  Like Atlas Shrugged in Ayn Rand's world, workers in the Covid world shrugged at government and business, and simply quit.  

Friday, August 11, 2017

How People and Businesses Everywhere Grow

by Kevin L. Baker
Visit Kevin's business website
Sign up for Kevin's "The Peak of Potential Newsletter

Why People and Businesses Do Not Grow

If a person is frustrated, failing, and fearful in life or in their business as an entrepreneur, owner, or manager, I will ask them questions about courage--strength in the face of fear. The presence or absence of courage is the crucial factor that determines whether a person, business, or organization is growing.  

My business works with people, teams, and companies to lead them to reach the peak of their potential and grow.  I often encounter very intelligent people when I begin an engagement with a company.  Yet, even the best teams get stuck.  Stuck companies are not developing internally, or growing sales and profits.  There is usually one of two things going on in stuck companies--lack of courage or lack of ability to execute growth strategies.  

How the 4Cs Formula Changed my Life

For several years, I was part of a Vistage CEO peer mentoring group.  After a change in the Chairman of the Board of the company where I was President, the direction of the company took on a "circle the wagons" mentality.  As a leader, that was not the strategic plan our senior management team had built for 10 years.  I was asked by my business owner and CEO peers why I did not just go out and start my own business at that point.  I was obviously capable and competent to do so.  

Having started four entrepreneurial ventures in my life with three of four succeeding, I should have had the confidence to believe I could succeed. Nevertheless, I was stuck and not moving forward.  My business coach, Linda Murphy gradually uncovered the reasons I was holding back, and we began to address the underlying fears of change that had gradually caused me to not move forward.  That is when I discovered the 4Cs formula.

The 4Cs Formula

I am a lifelong learner, and in my pursuit of growth as a businessman, I had come across Peter Diamandis' "Abundance 360," and his podcast with Dan Sullivan.  Dan is founder of an entrepreneurial coaching firm in Toronto which was just 90 minutes form Buffalo, New York where I lived.  Dan has a teaching on "The 4Cs," and it changed my life.

Sullivan says, "
Nothing starts until you commit to achieving a specific measurable result by a specific date in your future. After you’ve made the commitment, courage is required because you have to take action before you’ve acquired the capability to achieve the result. Capability is actually created because of your commitment and courage. And, finally, confidence is the result of these first three stages."

“Commitment leads to Courage. Courage leads to Capability. Capability leads to Confidence.  Confidence leads to Commitment. Apply, lather, rinse, repeat.” 

Sullivan's work helped me to unlock the reason I was holding back from launching out into my own business venture and staying there.  I now know, the 4Cs are "a universal language for any person to grow into a bigger and better future."  Having taught the principles to many in my work as a consultant and coach, I have grown in my understanding of them and added my own observations and learnings as I coach CEOs and key executives.  

Commitment--Selling Your Goal to Yourself

The root of fear is often a belief that you do not have the capability to do something you want to commit to.  Since you do not think you are capable, you do not make a commitment. I have known many leaders who say things like, "I will not make a commitment for our company to something until we are capable of doing it." Let me translate that.  "I do not think I am capable of leading our company to become capable and confident enough to carry out this commitment."

Commitment is the cornerstone to building anything.  The best way to make a commitment to a goal is to have a starting line, a finish line, and a deadline.  

Example of a commitment: I make it my commitment to grow from having no business, to launching my business by January 1, 2016.  

Procrastination Is the Opposite of Commitment 
Once you publicly state you are doing something, you have "skin in the game."  Commitment forces us to start moving forward.  You may realize, "I cannot do this alone."  That is where courage comes in to take stock of what you will need to carry out your commitment.

However, not being capable yet of carrying out a commitment is not a reason to kick the can down the road until you are capable.  If you make that choice, you will become frustrated, fearful, and failing.  Commitment is the first step on the road to growing capabilities.

Next Time: Courage Moves Us Forward